MoreFor4, Inc. will (primarily but not exclusively) serve individuals with Stage IV cancers who lack fiscal resources, family, and adequate support systems. From house sharing to a nationwide apartment program, vehicles for those without transportation, multi-month rental assistance while waiting for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) approvals, repairing teeth damaged by chemo and other cancer treatments… and MORE… MoreFor4 will create innovative solutions where no other resources exist. Yet, M44 is here for the ENTIRE Stage IV community (including care partners/caregivers, friends and family, healthcare professionals, cancer-related nonprofit organizations, and cancer researchers). Social services will be offered only to those in economic distress, but we will do so much MORE.
Together, let’s create a community that offers Stage IV patients MORE: opportunity, security, answers, belonging, and… HOPE. But let us also create intentional community comprised of ALL who are affected by Stage IV cancers, as we together learn, grow, celebrate, grieve, and advocate for critically-needed policy and systemic change.