MoreFor4, Inc. is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that addresses unmet needs of the Stage IV cancer community.
Everything M44 does—from programming to awareness activities and advocacy—fits within a sweeping national effort we call “The MoreFor4 #NoPainCampaign.” This bold, long-term initiative centers on the simple premise that cancer-related pain is not limited to physical symptoms of the disease or the toxic side effects of treatment. Other devastating forms of PAIN include the profound consequence of myriad social determinants of health—such as poverty, systemic racism and other forms of discrimination, lack of support systems, isolation, and the erosion of a sense of true belonging. Additionally, the disturbing lack of financial assistance and other urgently-needed resources for low-income Stage IV cancer patients demands rapid SOLUTIONS and transformative ACTION.
We fearlessly accept this challenge. And we invite you to join us.
Systems-based in design, our service delivery approach centers on the complex, interconnected, and equally important hierarchies of human need. Broadly speaking, M44’s work is a deliberate cross-section of three focal dimensions: 1) what readily exists (or does NOT exist) within an individual’s services and support systems, 2) collective needs of the Stage IV cancer community (including unique, specialized needs of those with one or multiple intersectional identities), and 3) urgently-needed systems change connected to governmental policy and funding… from eliminating present-day harms of our for-profit healthcare system to addressing the devastating lack of affordable housing and adequate social safety nets.
M44 was founded in 2023 and received 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status in 2024. Initially, when Mary Costello came up with the idea for the organization, it was in direct response to the troubling absence of available resources for Stage IV cancer patients experiencing serious and persistent economic crises, and to offer MORE: opportunity, security, answers, belonging, and… HOPE. This remains key to our mission, as customized, person-centered social services programming is at the heart of who we are. Through M44’s strategic planning processes, however, our vision for the organization evolved into something even more complex, impactful, innovative, forward-thinking, and inspiring. Of course, this includes building an active, intentional community that welcomes and embraces ALL persons affected by Stage IV cancers, as we together learn, grow, celebrate, grieve, and advocate for critically-needed policy and systemic change.