Away We Go!

MoreFor4, Inc. is a new national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed to support the Stage IV cancer community. We have identified seven key programs that will be introduced incrementally over coming years: CannaCares, Rapid Response, HomeMatters, JEDI Action, MoreCorps, IMAGINE – Stage4 JobCorps, and the M44 Legacy Store.



Many cannabis dispensaries offer compassionate fund discounts for low-income patients, but 20% off on a purchase does little to help someone who cannot afford the remaining 80%. In partnership with sponsors from the cannabis industry, CannaCares will seek to bridge this gap – ensuring that those who need medical cannabis have access to it. This will be our first program, with anticipated launch in early 2025. 4/20 (420) to be exact!

Rapid Response

Rapid Response

Rapid Response involves a unique financial assistance fund AND a person-centered Social Work TRIAGE team. Most people who contact M44 will have more needs than the single request that brings them to us. So, we want to know about ALL your needs when you apply for help. Beyond Rapid Relief Funds, our TRIAGE team can help you stabilize crisis situations and investigate long-term solutions when possible. Coming in late 2025!



One of the most pressing needs for persons with Stage IV cancers is stable, affordable housing. While some patients can get modest help with one-time-only rental assistance, which rarely pays the entire cost of rent for a month and is typically only available once in a 12-month period through other programs, permanent solutions are needed for those experiencing persistent housing insecurity. Introducing, HomeMatters!

JEDI Action

JEDI Action

This is the social justice arm of M44. JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Action is a program that offers M44 members an opportunity to actively engage in social change. This program is nonpolitical, and steadfastly issue and policy-based. We will partner with like-minded 501(c)(3) organizations and groups that focus on issues such as health justice, affordable housing, cancer research funding, intersectionality, systems change, and civil/human rights.



As M44 supports the entire Stage IV community, our membership program, MoreCorps, will focus on broader community engagement and support. MoreCorps will provide educational programming as well as special online events for our membership. As this program is BY and FOR community, members will contribute to specific programmatic offerings. This will include both support and interest groups, possible classes, local community-led M44 Chapters, and MORE.



IMAGINE – Stage4 JobCorps is our human resources department—with a twist. Many people with Stage IV cancer have difficulty securing and maintaining employment. With great intention, we will create employment opportunities for individuals who live with Stage IV cancer that are customized to their talents and interests while accommodating medical appointment schedules, side effect management, and expected days where staff does not feel well enough to work.

M44 envisions a world where no person living with cancer, regardless of stage, lacks the resources and supports needed to lead a happy, secure, peaceful, and full life.


